Well talk about a crummy way to start the new year.
The last two weeks have kinda sucked for me, considering I spend most of it stuck in my room with a terrible cough. But I think I'm getting ahead of myself, let's start at the beginning:
So my week started out pretty decent. I went to school obviously, and it was nice to see my friends again after winter break. We all caught up and talked about what we did over winter break. In fact, we were all planning to have a Xbox LAN party last Friday because my friend just recently got an Xbox 360 with all the Halo games. So I guess you could say things were looking up for me.
And then the coughs happened.
Monday went fine enough, but there was an occasional cough or two. I thought it would be fine, and went on with my day. On Tuesday, it was a bit more prevalent. My head was hurting a little bit, and the coughs became a bit more apparent, but again, I didn't think much of it.
But as soon as I got home from school, my body just decided to kick it into overtime. My head hurt a LOT, and I kept coughing and coughing. I just felt miserable in general, and just immediately laid in my bed and did nothing. My mom eventually came in and checked my temperature, which was 102F.
So as you might have guessed, I stayed home. I was just sorta stuck in my bed half of the time, only getting up to get a drink or something. I didn't even play any games or whatever, I just felt that miserable.
This went on for like three or four days, until I started to get a little better, enough for me to fully take advantage of the fact that I was stuck at home. You see, if you've ever been stuck at home with sickness, you know it isn't that bad. In fact, it's kind of baller ass. Think about it; you have the whole house to yourself, you can pretty much do whatever.Me personally? I played a hell of a lot of Halo CE. And yes, it was fun as shit.But that being said, you're still sick, so you're still coughing like half of the time. For me though, it was well over 3/4ths of the time, because my immune system hates me. For whatever reason, I just seem to have these coughing fits that last for like 5 minutes tops. They're brutal coughs to, to the point where I gag and stuff.So yeah, it's not fun.After about a week of this, I seemed to be doing better. I was a bit sniffly, but I was at a point where I could go back to school, which I did. I went back for a day, and I felt like I was finally done being sick.And then the coughs happened again.For whatever reason, I started violently coughing at night, worse than usual. The coughs were so violent that I nearly vomited.My mom ended up waking up because i was so loud, and told me that I was staying home again (if I was still sick after the weekend).So this time around, I didn't even have a CHANCE to mess around at home, because I was pretty much stuck in my bed half of the time because I was coughing so much. I got some cough drops, but they didn't work.But the annoying thing was it was never predictable. Sometimes I would be fine, somedays I wasn't. Somedays it felt like I was walking on sunshine, and somedays I was coughing out my right lung.And the headaches, holy SHIT the headaches. That was probably the only thing that was consistent, and it was annoying. Not even aspirin would work.It got so god damn annoying that I asked my mom if she could take me to the doctor because I was concerned for my health.Turns out there WAS something wrong with me; I had strep throat. But you wanna know the weird part?? After that doctors appointment, I was completely fine!! No coughing, no headaches, it was all over....What the fuck?!!I mean i'm not complaining, I'mmore than happy that it's over. But my immune system sure is damn inconsistent, isn't it?Anyways, I think that's about it for my first post of 2023. Hopefully I remember to update this thing daily this time. Hope you are having a good day.-Jonah G.
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